Next to the hamstrings, the hip area, including hip flexors, is one of the most commonly tight areas for many people, whether active or inactive. Sitting too much can cause hip flexor problems because when you sit, the angle of the hip causes the hip flexor to be in a tight, shortened position. On the other hand, running, cycling and cross training all pull the hip flexor into that short, tight position on a repetitive basis. A tight lower back is often the result of tight hips or hip flexors as well,

When you say you have tight hips, you could be talking about any number of things that surround your hip. It might be your piriformis, adductors or perhaps glute medius. But most likely you are talking about your iliopsoas or what we like to term your ‘hip flexors’ which are responsible for:

  • Flexing your hip joint
  • Flexing your trunk forward
  • Pulling your knees upward
  • Moving your legs from side-to-side and front-to-back
  • Helping to stabilise your lower body

Whether it’s the front, side, or back of your hips giving you trouble, here are 10 easy yoga moves to help alleviate those tight spots and get you moving again, pain free! Be sure to do this routine 2-3 times a week to see results.

1. Sun God pose 

A fantastic way to both open your hips and strengthen your legs.

1) Begin in a standing position with feet shoulder width apart , toes turned out and arms reaching straight up overhead.

2) Bend your knees to a 90 degree angle and pull your elbows slightly inward to shoulder height.  Keep hands open.

3) Make sure your posture is tall and straight, as if you slid your back down along a wall. Keep abs tight.

4) Hold and breathe for 30 seconds as you continue to open knees outward and lower your shoulder blades down.

2.Yogi Squat

This pose opens the hips and inner thighs.

1) Begin on feet, crouched down with tailbone between ankles and hands in prayer at chest.

2) Continue to press hands firmly together while at the same time pressing elbows against inner thighs.

3) Hold and breathe for 30 seconds to 1 minute.


3.Warrior II

A standing pose that opens the hips and strengthens your legs, promotes  good posture and spinal alignment along with core strength.

1) From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of your mat and lower the inside of your foot so that your back foot is at an angle.

2) Bend your right knee 90 degrees and straighten your back leg.

3) Reach right arm straight over right leg and left arm straight over left leg.

4) Relax shoulders and breathe gently in and out. Hold 30 seconds and switch sides.

4. Crescent Lunge

This pose opens your hips and strengthens your legs.

1) From a standing position, step the ball of your left foot to the back of the mat. Keep your feet slightly wider than one another like standing on railroad tracks.

2) Reach both arms straight overhead and bend the right knee to 90 degrees.

3) Relax your shoulders as you continue reaching up and lengthen the back leg. Hold 30 seconds to 1 minute and switch sides.

5. Revolved Extended Side Angle

This is a standing pose that stretches the entire back, hips and ankles and strengthens the legs. 

1) From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of the mat and lower the inside of the foot down.

2) Reach both arms straight overhead and bend the right knee to 90 degrees.

3) Relax your shoulder as you continue reaching up and lengthen the back leg.

4) Now draw your hands to prayer position in front of your chest.

5) Keep hands in prayer as you twist left elbow over right knee, pressing elbow against the side of your leg and relaxing your neck as you gaze up.

6) Hold 30 seconds and switch sides. 

6. Runners Lunge with forearms

This lunge provides a deep stretch for the hips, hip flexors, groin and legs.

1) Begin in a plank position with hands directly below shoulders.

2) Step your right foot forward to the outer edge of your mat next to your right pinky finger.

3) Lower your forearms inside your right foot and relax through your hips and back.

4) Breathe and hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides.


7. Sleeping Pigeon Pose:

This pose opens your hips or lower back if you feel tight.

1) Begin in a plank position. Tighten your abdominals and pull your right knee toward your right hand placing your right foot as close to your left hand as you can.

2) Keep your back leg long and keep your hips even as you relax your weight through the middle of your hips.

3) Slowly begin to lower your chest over your front shin relaxing forehead on the mat and arms stretched overhead.

6) Breathe and hold for 30 seconds. Slowly lift chest up, step back into plank and repeat on opposite side.

8. Bridge:

This pose stretches the chest, neck, spine, and hips, and strengthens the glutes and low back.

1) Begin lying on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor close to glutes.

2) Place arms flat on the floor next to you, tucking your shoulders under your back. Align knees with hip bones.

3) Press palms down as you lift your hips high and squeeze glutes and abdominals. Keep neck relaxed on the mat.

4) Continue to breathe and hold for 30 seconds to one minute.

9. Happy Baby:

This pose opens and stretches the hips, groin, and back and promotes relaxation.

1) Begin lying on your back and grab your big toes with your index and middle fingers.

2) Gently draw toes down so knee pull toward shoulders. Keep elbows gently pressing knees open.

3) Relax and breathe. Hold 30 seconds to 1 minute.

10. Butterfly Pose

Butterfly pose is a pose that encompasses the entire hip area and opens inner thighs, back and hip flexors.

1) Start in a seated position and bring the souls of your feet together to touch.

2) Clasp hands around feet and gently bring chest forward and down until you feel a stretch in your back.

3) Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.